Hi, I'm Marcus
I bring ideas to life
Freelance Front End Developer with a passion for design and creativity. I love creating interesting and unique experiences through software and work with designers.
About Me
I will bring curiosity, drive, and initiative to your team.
As a freelance developer I solve my own problems and communicate effectively and efficiently with my clients. As a former science teacher I have strong communication skills, perseverance, and dedication.
Technical Skills: HTML, CSS, Javascript, & React
Other Skills: Gatsby, Sanity, GraphQL, REST API, Firebase, React Native, Framer Motion, Git
Work Samples
Three.js Projects
Three.js Projects
Lately, I have been learning how to create immersive and interesting web experiences using HTML5 Canvas, Three.js and React Three Fiber. I hope to utilize these technologies to bring create engaging and creative visual experiences for any project I am apart of. Click on the links below to see some of the projects I have done.
Contact Me